Your _destiny^- awaits you sire

Thumbnail of the map 'Your _destiny^- awaits you sire'

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Author n0_ma11y
Tags area-trigger author:n0_ma11y custom-path nreality race rated trigger
Created 2010-02-08
Last Modified 2010-02-21
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description Ded to _destiny^- for all his countless races, USE --==Nreality==-- PEOPLE!!

  • Trigger
  • Area-trigger
  • Flow
  • aesthetics
  • trees
  • Tile-drones
  • Mines

Note: there is a glitch with the trap doors that Im sure you'll see if you jump so yeah... don't.

ded to _destiny^-

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'And the wheels on the bus go round and round...' Thumbnail of the map 'Brilliant color' Thumbnail of the map 'The eye of the storm.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mr.chill' Thumbnail of the map 'Lazer-ify me capi-ton' Thumbnail of the map 'The crater'
And the wheels on the bus go round and round... Brilliant color The eye of the storm. Mr.chill Lazer-ify me capi-ton The crater


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Demo Data


been even faster, if I had done it right... :(
Demo Data
I'm just saying that if this concept was excecuted well enough, I would be willing to feature it. It would have to be of a truly high standard for that to happen though.

Not to discourage you or anything, just so you're not over-expectant :P Feature-worthy or not, i'm still excited to see this concept again :D
It's the tile switching. You could do some crazy shit with that. I tried it, and failed horribly. It's such a bitchy mod D:
Or the concept does. If you placed it in a better surrounding race you could have a real winner on your hands.


Demo Data


If you run right and jump up onto the path next to the tree scenery next to the ninja, you finish the level practically instantly
I think that's the demo 4 it.
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Freakin' nice 5/5.

:) Sub920.
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Demo Data

lol ok

g2g bye
but that image is of the titan, something like this:


Here we go ^^

I'm on 9 maps now, make sure to tell me when you've stopped on nightmare construct - that's the only map im going to keep checking for comments on.


Sure thing buddy :P


really nice. the flow was pretty good, tho not the best. didnt like the gold, but the nreality did it for me . 4.5/5


awesome usage of mods and the trees ^_^


I hav eno Idea, but it happened with unreality's l4brinth

This is an awesome idea... Too bad Nreality is to complicated for me xD

It's fine, how does that trap door glitch work though?

oh yeah, el_devo, that's what I was looking for, thanks, sorry for coming off rude, and if it really bothers you just move the one-way a little.

Not to be fishing for complements but I really like how the trap doors sorta propels you It's cool.

what the hell


Ok, first off... I am not in any way trying to offend you, and I am sorry if I have.

I think the thwumps were bad for the sole reason that if you jumped fast enough, you would hit the one-way and get stuck, and if you went too slow, then the thwumps would block you when you tries to get to the bottom loop.
I understand that you need three thwumps in order to be able to wall jump off of them, but it is frusturating to time both of the wall jumps perfectly.
This may just be me, and I realize that flow probably wasn't the best word to use, but if you dont hit the thwumps right, the rest gets messed up. I think it doesnt "flow" well because it doesnt feel natural. Thus, because of that and the gold, I rated 3/5
I hope you understand what I am saying.
If you want to know what I would change, It would just be the gold. I would get rid of it, I think it looks better without. I understand the thwumps cant really be changed, and now understand how they are supposed to work.

That's my 2 cents.

not flow

maybe make it so you have to go one way? just a suggestion...
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Demo Data

What are you talking about, the flow was great almost every one agrees, the tiles speicificly show this. Just imagine the thwumps as a wall that you have to go up quickly. the flow was fine there so really please re think your state ment.

Honestly, I found that it was good until I got to the thwumps, where the flow just completely messed up and confused me. It was alright, but none of the demos on Nreality seem to have the right flow, probably because we couldn't find it. I liked the tile swapping, and the overall theme, but the gold and the flow weren't so great. 3/5
I have to practice^^
But thx for asking... and now: good night ;)
(wanna know, who rated my last map with 1... maybe this guy with the messy cloud map... must think a night about this^^)
Also, you realise that map of mine you just played isnt a race, right? I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic in your comment or not...

-.- Sorry, u wanna help?

Aww come on

You can do better gold than that! Look at the way i use gold in my races - it's themed, not scattered around in various snaps.
but unfortunately I'm a really bad race map player -.-


It won't let me add gold :(
but here

ooh. whoops my bad :D

Sweet a comment, Try rating so It will stay in the hot maps page, and thanks!

Holy crap

That's freakin' crazy, man.

With this use of tile swapping, a race could last forever :O

How long does it take to make the tiles swap like that? If it isn't too strenuous, I might try it ^^

The flow for this was much smoother and seemless than it looked to be, and the theme was /awesome/.

I do have one major, MAJOR complaint though.

WHERE'S MY GOLD? ;_; ;_; ;_;

Overall though, awesome map. Thanks for the ded ^^
Demo Data