Redemption (Editted)

Thumbnail of the map 'Redemption (Editted)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author infernoXV8
Tags author:infernoxv8 enjoyable fun medium playable race rated
Created 2009-10-30
Last Modified 2009-10-30
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description i was very annoyed because i found a cheat in the original map but i couldnt edit it because it was rated with 10 rates. Hope you don't mine me putting this up for the sake of it!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Decisive Actions' Thumbnail of the map 'Lost Space' Thumbnail of the map 'Stealth mod' Thumbnail of the map 'The quick fix' Thumbnail of the map 'Constructed' Thumbnail of the map 'A cold Assult'
Decisive Actions Lost Space Stealth mod The quick fix Constructed A cold Assult


Pages: (0)

what grn said



was too abrupt. enemies were good. work on aesthetics. 3.5

VERY hard race

I cant get a demo.
hadn't occured.
Demo Data


was real fun :)

some of those parts had incredible flow
4.5 rounded up to... 5!

Which i have delisted
-Also heres an AGD
Demo Data