Critical Mass

Thumbnail of the map 'Critical Mass'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author infernoXV8
Tags author:infernoxv8 close-call fast-paced fun hard race rated
Created 2009-10-21
Last Modified 2009-10-21
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description very fun but hard race map,

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Decent into Madness' Thumbnail of the map 'Arena Conquest II' Thumbnail of the map 'Demonic Essense |||' Thumbnail of the map 'Blood of the Chosen' Thumbnail of the map 'Power of poseidon' Thumbnail of the map 'Hell's Pet'
Decent into Madness Arena Conquest II Demonic Essense ||| Blood of the Chosen Power of poseidon Hell's Pet


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as a racemaker, but I found this race to be pretty loopy, and try not just to have mines sharing the loops

i agree, its quite overated, mediocre at best
decent flow, but very average and uncreative, no real great use of enemies IMO, so i'm giving it a 3

Overrated imo

Personally i hate so greatly forced starts. I think the flow was quite bad at places: there were some parts that kind-of slowed you down. It was too loopy, too. Enemies were quite good though.
Demo Data


loved this race map. GJ


These kind of race maps are the best. Good flow and nice close calls. The tiles don't really matter anymore then.



I saw the 5/5 and expected something good.


map im not a big fan of race maps but this is a different story 5/5 :)

nice job

5/5 faved. really fun :)


love this map. lovvvveeeee it.

Faster AGD

up to date demo, sorry about the update spam ^^
Demo Data

Faster demo

Demo Data

4.5 up

Demo Data