Don't let me go.

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't let me go.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author jonboiFC
Tags action author:jonboifc difficult featured rated veryhard
Created 2009-09-10
Last Modified 2009-09-10
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is HARD. It is possible, and there are several tricks for it. However it is exceedingly difficult and dedications and rates will be given out if you manage to get halfway or to the finish.

This map was featured on 2019-06-21

Every so often a map is published that causes one to question their dedication to N. This particular submission separates players into three distinct groups: the elite, the dedicated, and then everyone else. For those who dare to try this, be aware that this map doesn't skimp on the difficulty. The upper and lower sections each have their own challenges that make this map feel more thought out than one would suspect. It took me many tries to simply complete this map - I suspect it will take many more to collect all the gold in a single run. — origami_alligator

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'paranoia' Thumbnail of the map 'Cut and Attack' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Phobia' Thumbnail of the map 'Fruity Pie' Thumbnail of the map 'Igloo' Thumbnail of the map 'Helium Factory'
paranoia Cut and Attack Jump Phobia Fruity Pie Igloo Helium Factory


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Hahaha Dagga

I got the run just to show it is possible for scrubs like me to complete it.


Doesn't seem so bad.
Demo Data

so you featured this just to show off your run?

only kidding


Nice challenge but not a map I'd come back to.
Demo Data


more than 1000 attempts later, finally got it

very fun
Demo Data

DD ouch

bottoms cool, top feels a bit tedious to me but still like it solidly. visually sweet
Demo Data
super fun, gonna go for agd
Demo Data

corner hell

but man it is beautiful.


what a fucking insane map <3
Demo Data
for this sort of map. It's a really good take on this sort of style and because you didn't layer the ceilings with mines as well it gives the illusion that it's much easier than it actually is. Great job. I'll demo this when I can get N to stop being so laggy.


That IS hard.
Demo Data

Oh my god.

That didn't take you long. Nice demo. I'll do em later.


Could be faster. I'll try for all gold now. Favorited until I get it, just in case I don't get it today.
Demo Data

You need composure.

Don't lose your confidence halfway through or you'll bottle it. Don't be impatient either. You try to skip a jump or two and you'll fuck it up. In the top section, when jumping up the squares with the mine roofs, try and hit the edge at a perfect degree to get it. Dedication if you get into the top half. Dedication and two rates if you get to the exit switch and a dedication and five rates if you finish it. But... you won't. I guarantee. The bottom is the hardest bit. All gold is incomprehensible.