Core Bust

Thumbnail of the map 'Core Bust'

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Author Erik-Player
Tags alt0222 author:erik-player corebust moacrew retile unrated
Created 2009-05-15
Last Modified 2009-05-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Us moa people gathered again for a retiling fun fest!

I got Riobe this time. Original: []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pungent Bowl' Thumbnail of the map 'Steelhead Alley' Thumbnail of the map 'HardCore' Thumbnail of the map 'The Flipswitch Chain: Turn it on' Thumbnail of the map 'Cliffhanger' Thumbnail of the map 'Crimson Roses'
Pungent Bowl Steelhead Alley HardCore The Flipswitch Chain: Turn it on Cliffhanger Crimson Roses


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don't know what got into me, i guess i just read the "hidden floorguard" part, and assumed you hadn't played it.

ignore it, i was in a sad mood when i commented :)

thanks for the critisicm


I still like it, though.


this is crazy. I dunno, it's crazy. too disjointed methinks.

what is

moa? i might want to join? that is if i can? 5/5