Crimson Roses

Thumbnail of the map 'Crimson Roses'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags author:erik-player crimsonroses ganteka moacrew rated retile
Created 2009-05-14
Last Modified 2009-05-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A retile map made with the rest of the moa crew. I was paired up with ganteka. Turned out pretty well, actually!

Original: []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Never an Honest Word' Thumbnail of the map 'Pungent Bowl' Thumbnail of the map 'Steelhead Alley' Thumbnail of the map 'HardCore' Thumbnail of the map 'The Flipswitch Chain: Turn it on' Thumbnail of the map 'Cliffhanger'
Never an Honest Word Pungent Bowl Steelhead Alley HardCore The Flipswitch Chain: Turn it on Cliffhanger


Pages: (0)


great retile. wishing i hadn't missed the #moa events.


i just realised, the hidden floorguards had been taken out at that point...

you didn't even play it :(

thats not cool... not cool.
i didn't delist, because it only tokk a few seconds :)

i would really appreciate your critiscm on my map, because you have been a major influence on me as a map maker :)


Yes, so yes.
Demo Data
a cloud of mazes that is also a makeshift rocket launcher. Look out below!


love that rocket
i'm not really a fan of how it looks, but it's a retile, so whatever :)