An Uphill Struggle

Thumbnail of the map 'An Uphill Struggle'

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Author qbert
Tags author:qbert jagged limerick mine-jumper mines unrated uphill
Created 2009-04-03
Last Modified 2009-04-03
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description There once was a lad named Young Ned,

He went sledding and then bumped his head,

And when he awoke,

It was his time to croak,

As he saw he flew over a ledge.

Other maps by this author

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Simply Evil ????? Butterflies and Sunshine to Starry Skies Hypodermic Needles Fission A Motel on a Rainy Day


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Got AGD. Almost sub 1000.
Demo Data

At the start

I thought it looked pretty noobish, but it was very fun to climb up. I died at the last jump, though. 4/5.
Demo Data