
Thumbnail of the map '?????'

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Author qbert
Tags author:qbert concept mental puzzle tricky unrated
Created 2009-03-12
Last Modified 2009-03-12
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I threw this together in like ten minutes. I like the concept of it a lot. I will not post a demo because it would give away the secret route, but believe me when I say that IT IS POSSIBLE!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hell, AKA, a Modern Day Battlefield' Thumbnail of the map 'Repetitive Evil' Thumbnail of the map 'Gauntlet' Thumbnail of the map 'The Pedestal of Wisdom' Thumbnail of the map 'Simply Evil'
Hell, AKA, a Modern Day Battlefield Repetitive Evil Gauntlet The Pedestal of Wisdom Simply Evil


Pages: (0)

Good concept

poorly executed
Demo Data