Alone On A Valintine's Day

Thumbnail of the map 'Alone On A Valintine's Day'

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Author Slick265
Tags author:slick265 speedrumap unrated
Created 2009-02-15
Last Modified 2009-02-15
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My insides are turned to ash, so slow
And blew away as I collapsed, so cold
A black wind took them away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so disatisfied
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing

I used to be my own protection, but not now
Cause my path has lost direction, somehow
A black wind took you away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so disatisfied
And the ground below grew colder
As they put you down inside
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing

So now you're gone
And I was wrong
I never knew what it was like
To be alone

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Somewhere I Belong' Thumbnail of the map 'Leave Out All The Rest' Thumbnail of the map 'Easier To Run.' Thumbnail of the map 'Lying From You.' Thumbnail of the map '^Wall Jumpers^' Thumbnail of the map 'Nobody's Listening'
Somewhere I Belong Leave Out All The Rest Easier To Run. Lying From You. ^Wall Jumpers^ Nobody's Listening


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no fbf!

just kidding.
Demo Data
I barely had to try to get this non-fbf.
Demo Data




nice but small

i litterally just listened to tht song
Demo Data

I love

this song. It sucks being alone on Valentines Day.