^Wall Jumpers^

Thumbnail of the map '^Wall Jumpers^'

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Author Slick265
Tags author:slick265 speedrunmap unrated
Created 2009-02-15
Last Modified 2009-02-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description •SpeedRunMap•
Think You Faster ThAn Me?? I Will Chimney..


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Slid' Thumbnail of the map '^Wall^Jumpers^' Thumbnail of the map 'Somewhere I Belong' Thumbnail of the map 'Leave Out All The Rest' Thumbnail of the map 'Easier To Run.' Thumbnail of the map 'Lying From You.'
Slid ^Wall^Jumpers^ Somewhere I Belong Leave Out All The Rest Easier To Run. Lying From You.


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First Try

The trick with the launchpad forcing you down faster is too much luck to bother beating Meta.
Demo Data

I rated

a 5. Cause this was fun. Maybe I should do speed runs more often.


You Think You Won Already Huh?..Wait a Second..NeverMind..


I give up. If I don't, I'll be trying all night. And this is the first time I've actually speed-runned something, so I think I did okay.
I usually just play these maps mainly to see how fast I can go anyways.




The last one was screwy. Never Mind.


♦Keep Trying You Might Just Win♣
Also: Yay! Sub-100!
Demo Data


Tell me When You Give Up So i Know Who To Give THE DED To.


Fastest one by me:
Demo Data
And, as usual, Meta Ing wins everything. But I'm not giving up!
Demo Data

Oh Man

Aleast I Know I Can Go faster
Demo Data

My Fastest

Demo Data

I see

Bluenin did the same thing.


Going too fast death demo. (slow though, the fastest I've ever made it to the top and died is 47 frames)
Demo Data




frames slower than Meta. and i only use the up arrow key button
Demo Data

I did?

Really? I don't see a difference. And that happened once to me too, bluenin.

my fastest

so far
Demo Data
In A Diff Spot But by Mistake I guess
Fastest one by me so far:
Demo Data


Than Mikey
Demo Data

Tied With

Demo Data
and the ninja does get to the exit, just not all at the same time.
Demo Data

Dude You Cheated!

You Placed The Ninja in A Diff Spot
Grr... One frame off.
Demo Data


Speedrunning this level is somewhat interesting, because you need to hit the launchpad a certain way in order to get the nost speed out of it. Otherwise, it slows you down.
Demo Data

am gonna try

Dang it

Even Faster
Demo Data


I Killied it.
Demo Data

Two frames faster

Demo Data

First speedrun

Demo Data