Big Biscuit Crumbs

Thumbnail of the map 'Big Biscuit Crumbs'

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Author Amazing_Slug
Tags author:amazing_slug race rated
Created 2009-02-08
Last Modified 2009-02-08
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description ..random mess..

Looks a bit.. like nothing.

Play it!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wheeling V.1.02' Thumbnail of the map 'Pinball map' Thumbnail of the map 'A Race Inside A Cell' Thumbnail of the map 'Perfectly Broken' Thumbnail of the map '666 kb/s' Thumbnail of the map 'Freaky Phenomenon'
Wheeling V.1.02 Pinball map A Race Inside A Cell Perfectly Broken 666 kb/s Freaky Phenomenon


Pages: (0)

Wasnt so keen on aesthetics, but the flow was nice. Perhaps you should experiment with race themes and creating atmosphere. If you're at that stage. And i think you are.

Demo Data


Thanks, buds :)




Demo Data
the flow was a bit interrupted in a few i rate 3.5 rounded up

old schhool

like 05 days., ahh the times...
Demo Data


faster completion
Demo Data


completion demo, you can see where I slow down
Demo Data


here's another
Demo Data


its a fun map, but if you go too fast, there are many problems, heres one:
Demo Data


For some reason, I don't like this. Normally I'd rate a 3.5, but I have to round down since this is modern NUMA.
It's just too barren, with not much action or fun.
you can tell the path and flow. Sometimes that's good,and sometimes it's bad. This time it's good
I realized I've never played a good race before

Tell me..

..if something bugs you here