04~3: Square Eyes

Thumbnail of the map '04~3: Square Eyes'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt gtmap-pack rated thwumps
Created 2009-01-02
Last Modified 2009-01-04
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description (o)_(O)

Started off very basic, then jazzed it up a lot.

Also, this episode of The Arborist's Edition is soon coming to a close, be sure to look at the thread on the forums to voice opinions or request changes, or download the first txt document within a matter of days. Only 3 more maps need to be completed!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'GTM's Festive Surprise' Thumbnail of the map '01~4: The Square Side Of The Hypotenuse' Thumbnail of the map '02~1: All Drones In Moderation' Thumbnail of the map '03~3: Cactus Citadel' Thumbnail of the map '01~1: Carnation Coronation' Thumbnail of the map '04~1: Urban Chaos'
GTM's Festive Surprise 01~4: The Square Side Of The Hypotenuse 02~1: All Drones In Moderation 03~3: Cactus Citadel 01~1: Carnation Coronation 04~1: Urban Chaos


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Nexx, that's the longest comment I have ever seen :)
I liked the blocky atmosphere and the visual quality of the tiles. In my opinion you should make your next levels more free like your past ones. Not like straight lines og gold. I think it would suite this wonderfuly simple tileset. Keep up the good work :)

4/5 Faved and Saved. Guitar_Hero_Matt. Long name, I prefer GTM aswell ;)

The difference is

that while my map blends the separate elements together to form a cohesive aesthetic, this map looks like a hodge-podge of uninspired and borrowed ideas. It's a shame, this is a trend for you atm and you don't seem to be bothered by it.


I agree with epigone that the start's a pain, ESPECIALLY when you just want to start by getting that bottom left gold. Ugh. Really, it's not a huge deal, it's just an easy-to-see problem that can be easily fixed.

As for the map, there are two cool mechanisms here, and that's the floorguard and the twhump area. The floorguard is a little strict for me, but still interesting. As for the thwumps, I have to admit they're pretty cool. It's like you took the basic mechanism that involves only two thwumps on opposite sides of a point of interest (in this case, the exit) and added another step to it. Nice job there.

But I agree with atob that the rest feels clinical. The gold and mines all seem pretty plain, and the laser section really does seem tacked on (and then made the worse for the laser going to the right so you have to either go for that gold right off the bat or wait around for a long while).

Overall, I'd say this is a little more interesting than not. 3/5

Demo Data


I thought about this, but i couldnt find anywhere else to put him that had such a versatile start. Ironically, I forgot to reset and looking back I should have left the ninja where he was (right next to the laser) rather than move him. Perhaps i should do a rehash? If I do, that'll end up on the map-pack rather than the current version. If.
the floorguard is not cool
or just relocate the ninja's starting position


Also GTM I replied, sorry it's just taking forever to send :P


sorry for my bad spelling but half my keys are like dead. the key is gone and i have to press the chip lol.


Now it works lol i logged ono like 2hr ago ad it said i was suspended. lol i was saying "what did i do...."

@ Gods_Reaper

The forums should be working now.


GTM was i suspended from the forums?


I know, I know, lemme find the map, but someone called him G'T'M by mistake, and he stuck wiht it.


I would like to know why everyone called you GTM. When the acronym for your name is clearly GHM.

Feels very clinical

and bland. There's really no personality to it. The thwump part is awkward, the gold is uninspired, the only really fun part was the climb to the top right.

The laser tunnel feels tacked on, too.
Demo Data

Yeah sure w/e

Congrats on the position, sorry for not responding earlier :P What were your application reviews? We could contrast and compare.


I'm a reviewer too now :P

Speedrun after edit

Demo Data

Really cool

Once again cool lazer 5aved.

I only realized after I submitted it.
It was because I had being playing this level before you edited.
And now because the position of the ninja was changed no one can beat my speedrun on NReality.


Unfortunately you must have recorded this before the edit, which invalidates it :/


And here is how you get the exit and the switch
Demo Data


for random deds


I preferred having the thwumps there, added puzzly elements to it. And floorguards would be lame. That space was MADE for thwumps :P

ah hah


arent you the clever one :P
The rest of the map is fun, though I think all those thwumps could have been replaced with one floorchaser and had a better effect. 4/5


exit switch and exit are both hard to get to, but it makes the map fun. 4/5. I like the way you get to the exit, even if it's too hard for me...


Apologise about the reset, it invalidated your demo ;_;

Forgot to reset >_<

Do it like this, after the reset. Or in a less convoluted manner if you prefer :P
Demo Data

oh wow :P

fun not sure i liked that guass.
Demo Data