Unseen Manifestation of Hallow's Fiend

Thumbnail of the map 'Unseen Manifestation of Hallow's Fiend'

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Author Lightning55
Tags author:lightning55 halloween playable rated tile tilejumper tileset
Created 2008-10-31
Last Modified 2008-10-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My first submitted tileset. It is supposed to be the shape of a tree with a truncated area. Hands from the outside reach into the map. Idk what the big energy ball is for. I just wanted something to look electrifying. It's somewhat of a tilejumper I guess. Happy Halloween.

Other maps by this author

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Thwumps & Rockets 10-0 Gausses & Floorguards 10-1 Zap Drones & Seeker/Chaser Drones 10-2 Laser Drones & Chaingun Drones 10-3 10-4 Attempt - May be delisted Finale Booster 10-4


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"truncated tree" pun gets + .5 for your rating

That last part

was rough for me (I don't know how to "corner jump" or even what it is, or that it existed until now). Good Halloween tileset, and it would be great for a mine jumper. 2.5/5 but I'll round up

It was Halloween

I think it was supposed to be that way. I don't have the same train of thought so I forgot.

Actually, I meant it to be that way. That way, it would seem a bit creepy.


I think you should clean it up a little, too jagged methinks.
It needs to be used. It would make a good mine-jumper.
a corner and a perpendicular with almost no running space.


this is my first time doing a corner jump!
Demo Data
But I felt it was well constructed and contained some good gameplay.

But I really screwed up the end.

I like the jumps, and the speedrunability. Pretty nice tiles as well. 3.5/5 rounded up.
Demo Data


I want to say a big thanks to xaelar. He told me to keep working on a corner jump. One day later, I have *almost* mastered it.


yeah, definitely 2k frame speed run is speedy =P
Demo Data

Yes it does

I'll get a demo in a min.
Does it involve a corner jump?
Does it involve a corner jump?
I think it plays very well actually.

Pretty nice map

Happy Halloween!




very structured, but movements are rusty and uncomfortable.
very very good for a first tileset, but work on gameplay as well as look. i look forward to seeing more tiles from you
without my approval.