Time Machine

Thumbnail of the map 'Time Machine'

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Author Kaylab
Tags agd author:kaylab easy fun unrated
Created 2008-10-20
Last Modified 2008-10-20
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Metanet Tile-set. i edited so it would be fun haha

Fastest AGD map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'gold maze' Thumbnail of the map 'The Island' Thumbnail of the map 'Over, Under' Thumbnail of the map 'Flora in Flames' Thumbnail of the map 'The Forbidden Caves' Thumbnail of the map 'Survival in a Circle'
gold maze The Island Over, Under Flora in Flames The Forbidden Caves Survival in a Circle


Pages: (0)


Demo Data


Pretty damn fast.

The level's decent. The enemy placement is odd and unbalanced, and the gold placement is a bit wonky too. (ProTip: don't put so much gold so close together like you did with the "AGD" gold at the beginning, because the player has to slow down to grab it all, which sucks.) I still enjoyed collecting the gold, it just could've been arranged in a more pleasing manner.

I like what you've done with the tileset, even though it's largely based off one of Metanet's.

Solid 3.
Demo Data
but consider that the tileset wasn't original


well i was going to rate it a four (cuz it's not dificult but still fun) but im not sure wats up with the whole metanet thingy.... so i will with-hold from rating.


Can be improved.
Demo Data
Hide it better xD
to use metanet tilesets and whatever as long as you credit them. i will delist if metanet is not credited... whenever i look next.

please don't use

metanet levels