Bust of Captain Planet

Thumbnail of the map 'Bust of Captain Planet'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author twentythree
Tags author:twentythree n-art unrated
Created 2008-10-16
Last Modified 2008-10-16
Map Data

Description My first n-art
I know it looks terrible

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Short Tower of Mistakes (Outside)' Thumbnail of the map 'Short Castle of Mistakes (Moat)' Thumbnail of the map 'Keys, Keys, and more Keys' Thumbnail of the map 'Short Tower of Mistakes (Surroundings)' Thumbnail of the map 'Moonraker' Thumbnail of the map 'Room of Lava'
Short Tower of Mistakes (Outside) Short Castle of Mistakes (Moat) Keys, Keys, and more Keys Short Tower of Mistakes (Surroundings) Moonraker Room of Lava


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nice z-snap.

it creates a nice-looking texture. everything else, face especially, is not very good. 2.5/5 rounded up


he's our hero
gonna take pollution down to zero

Nice on a first.

Just lacked a lot.


It is a bad picture
I tried to at least make the thumbnail look kinda like him, but it didn't work


water, wind, earth.....heart???
Dumbest CP power ever. That doesnt look like capt planet anyways. No offense, but it was a nice try.


use c-snap. It looks neater



not to bad, not good either, if their wher ratings i could onley give you a 2, but as a first its pretty good