21-2 no such thing.

Thumbnail of the map '21-2 no such thing.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChaoStar
Tags action author:chaostar rated
Created 2008-10-11
Last Modified 2008-10-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description it's my b-day tommorrow! prepare for big b-day map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '20-1 Error' Thumbnail of the map '20-2 an unkown solution' Thumbnail of the map '20-3 the HAL factor' Thumbnail of the map '20-4 a Bloody reminisence' Thumbnail of the map '21-0 ChaoStar' Thumbnail of the map '21-1 a bubble of inspiration'
20-1 Error 20-2 an unkown solution 20-3 the HAL factor 20-4 a Bloody reminisence 21-0 ChaoStar 21-1 a bubble of inspiration


Pages: (0)

Thanks a lot

not eganic... lightning. but eganic, i check out your maps to. "



Happy B-Day!!!!!!!!!


happy birthday :D :D :D :D :D


i'll make one for you too...


not eganic... lightning. but eganic, i check out your maps to.


thanks for the bday maps. and eganic, Ive checked ALL your maps. but i like to comment on the cool ones.


i will birthday map a-makin for you're. :D
maybe. it might be delayed hope thats ok :/


im trying to download n-reality
but it says the file is corrupt
how can i get it?
comment on my maps kuz i probably wont check back


just saw it looked like a face.

ill make you a map

for your birthday :)
the only ones you ever play are my thwump challenges, and now I'm out of ideas for those. ChaoStar, you are exactly the opposite. You always check out my grand maps, but never my little thwump challenges. I guess its good that you are out of your "tiny ninja" phase.

There we go,

Demo Data

Holy smokes

71 frames AGD, omg Meta!!!
jk, I'll be preparing a ded to you for your birthday. 4-non AGD
Demo Data


380 frames
Demo Data


VERY fast.


71 frames would be a little too fast...
Demo Data


look what you did!


no comment

my inferior demo

for youi to hack and slash to pieces.
Demo Data


This can be done faster.
Demo Data