
Thumbnail of the map 'Leaper'

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Author geti
Tags author:geti complete hard playable race rated
Created 2008-05-30
Last Modified 2008-06-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Finally.
latest race by me, first in a while. there are launches in areas where i used to want you to jump, and mostly a huge rewrite of most of the map.

ive put stallers around the map to get the timing right, and it plays better for it.
thankyou for your direction with the previous versions, it was great.
demo will be posted so you know what to do.

enjoy and criticise

Other maps by this author

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Cold Symphony Fluid Mechanic Twitch. Bleeding Cold Bleeding Warmer NeverTraveller


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It was really fun until the launch pads came in. They were pretty cool but it takes away all of the skill in a level like this. 4/5 still great job.

lol eh.

hit and miss i spose. :|

Well.. I beat it..

Promising start.. But really the map was average and only that. Good try though ;)
Demo Data
i can. its just harder with the jump, and you need to control your speed a lot more. but id happily edit if people would enjoy it more without them
Demo Data


until the launchpads come in. Then it gets worse.

Demo Data


completion, didnt get the last gold cluster.
just for if youre lost.
Demo Data