
Thumbnail of the map 'Twitch.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author geti
Tags action author:geti playable prisoner race rated v2
Created 2008-04-20
Last Modified 2008-04-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Fixed - much less cheatable now.

My first prisoner map, im happy with how it turned out.
the end is indecently complex, basically try to get the drones spaced out and then follow the flow when though the rest of the level, then when you come out of the rocket tunnel you should make it.

comments and ratings appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A New Kind of Lonely Corridor' Thumbnail of the map 't3hra: lost without a story of my own' Thumbnail of the map 'This Is N: Built of Metal, Living Alone' Thumbnail of the map 'Martyrs Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Symphony' Thumbnail of the map 'Fluid Mechanic'
A New Kind of Lonely Corridor t3hra: lost without a story of my own This Is N: Built of Metal, Living Alone Martyrs Rock Cold Symphony Fluid Mechanic


Pages: (0)

great map

nice style to it



just saw the demo
ohwell, almost :P


thats fine, glad you enjoyed it.
the end took so much time to choreograph lol.
thanks for the comment.


really good map.
dont have the time for anyting better... sry!
Demo Data