Fluid Mechanic

Thumbnail of the map 'Fluid Mechanic'

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Author geti
Tags action author:geti race rated
Created 2008-04-19
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description The name is semi-irrelevant, but i tried to make it flowy (it is a little juddery in some parts though, feel free to suggest any fixes)

anyway, i havnt made a map in ages. its nice to get back to it.
i feel like the inside is a little cramped. good thing that part is short lived.

comments appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This is N: Prelude' Thumbnail of the map 'A New Kind of Lonely Corridor' Thumbnail of the map 't3hra: lost without a story of my own' Thumbnail of the map 'This Is N: Built of Metal, Living Alone' Thumbnail of the map 'Martyrs Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Symphony'
This is N: Prelude A New Kind of Lonely Corridor t3hra: lost without a story of my own This Is N: Built of Metal, Living Alone Martyrs Rock Cold Symphony


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i suppose there'll always be mixed opinions about everything
:P not on the top rated anymore, but 4.5 by ten isnt bad


sorry but this was pretty ordinary..


its on teh first page of top rated atm (not at the top, but hey im not complaining)
thanks guys :3


I didn't even realize this was a race until I saw Gwenaith's comment.
Very unique and nice-looking, but I didn't like how you could go too fast and run into the first zap drone. I really liked the teleporter, though.


i like the flowy style to it...
and the tileset is excellent

aw sweet

its nice to get a warm welcome.
some of the flaws are intentional, so im glad you enjoyed them ^^

thanks for your words
A flawed beauty really, it seems to be being overlooked ,because it doesn't look like a race probably, which is a shame really. I can't verbalise the undoubted flaws in the flow because its what makes this race so special. Faved.