
Thumbnail of the map 'Caliber'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author littleviking001
Tags author:littleviking001 bitesized playable rated uncategorized
Created 2005-08-17
by 32 people.
Map Data

Description New level. May be a bit long.

Let me know what you think.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'LV 01-3: smooth run' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-0: sneeze' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-1: encore' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-2: mapper's block' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-4: in soviet russia, baby eats you!' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-3: ebol-aid'
LV 01-3: smooth run LV 02-0: sneeze LV 02-1: encore LV 02-2: mapper's block LV 02-4: in soviet russia, baby eats you! LV 02-3: ebol-aid


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Gettin' Better

Hurmph. I'll have an AGD for you next time.
Demo Data


I was on a roll. Stupid slow drone.
Demo Data


and ngaged, that demo is 100% pure 1337ness.
Just wow.


i r the cheatzor!
Demo Data


Demo Data


I cheated.
Demo Data


My favorite map of yours. Don't know why I didn't comment before...but here, have a demo.
Demo Data

good job

that was a hard level
keep cheating, we see how well that's working out for ya ;)
...when the cheap and cheating demo is still as long as the normal ones? I do. I'd just call it a different way to play the level at that point.
Is me being very, very cheap and cheating.

Very, very nice 5/5 map.

In my defence: My demo sucked, but it was my first shot.
Demo Data


Well, neat trick anyway. Something unique, I guess.

Great map. 4.5/5


This isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but I didn't particularly care for it.


No comment.


It's uncategorized. How did you go about doing that?

all gold

woo, that route took ages to find.
Demo Data

freaking awesome

It's refreshing to play a fun level that isn't ridiculously hard, lately all the maps I've been downloading have been a little heavy on the death side. Extremely good job with your map.


and unadulterated fun. 5 ninjas.


Any LV map gets 5 stars from me. Except this one. This one gets 4.5 stars. Sinbad beat you by half a star. Also, I find it rather intriguing that we both submit maps at the same time, relatively. *Cough*

Very fun!

That was totally cool! 5/5 and faved.
I did all-gold. Very slow because I was very careful :)
Demo Data


A map from LV!! I will play this right away!