
Thumbnail of the map 'Stall'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author inspirationalist
Tags action author:inspirationalist bitesized drones playable puzzle racer unrated
Created 2008-02-26
Map Data

Description Stuck,
In a land of code.
No way out of this,
Pixel Trash

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rattle Snake Sandwich' Thumbnail of the map 'Carpet Bomb Sonata'
Rattle Snake Sandwich Carpet Bomb Sonata


Pages: (0)

Oh unkind.

I have to draw the blue fuckers away, don't I.


is such a cool map! The only bad thing is that the mines are a little hard to see, but even so, this still must rank as one of the best maps ever. Period.


This map is incredibly cool. It's apparent that a LOT of work went into it - the imagework is nice (even if it doesn't really fit the map), it uses an advanced door glitch, and, best yet, it's a deceptive puzzle (and it's surprisingly hard to get right). Nice job all around.

And furthermore, I think image maps tend to be easy to overlook on the newest page because they're designed to be played with the image, but without the image they don't look so hot. At least, that's what happened to my first image map (it ended up doing okay, though).

Anyway, this is the only way I could figure out how to complete the map.
Demo Data

oh hey

that's really clever