Itty Bitty Level

Thumbnail of the map 'Itty Bitty Level'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Nexx
Tags action author:nexx just-for-fun minimalist small tiny unrated
Created 2008-02-05
Last Modified 2009-04-25
Map Data

Description A tiny little map. Requires some lightness of touch. Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bottled X-Factor' Thumbnail of the map 'Arco Arena' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Survey' Thumbnail of the map 'Through the Looking Glass' Thumbnail of the map 'Xerces Lite' Thumbnail of the map 'Fragmented Subterfuge'
Bottled X-Factor Arco Arena Jump Survey Through the Looking Glass Xerces Lite Fragmented Subterfuge


Pages: (0)

Faster AGD

By over a second! Ridiculous.
Demo Data

at Lex_Leach...

How, may I ask, do you give a 0.75? you can only get multiples of 0.5! And how is is tricky, but easy at the same time? And is it really garbage?

I, on the other hand, think that is is hard. I would give it a 3.5, but alas ratings are disabled. nice map.


Something's wrong with your demo. The drone kills you at frame 370-ish.

My fastest AGD

If the level's too easy, try beating this.
Demo Data


well i gues it is ok. too easy though.agd
Demo Data


A bit tricky, but too easy. 0.75/5