Fragmented Subterfuge

Thumbnail of the map 'Fragmented Subterfuge'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Nexx
Tags action author:nexx contest playable rated rtf tileset-adding-contest
Created 2008-02-01
Last Modified 2008-02-02
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description This is my third and final entry for the Tileset-Adding Contest, and it turned out much better than I expected it to. Have fun with it!

RCE and I'll RTF!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Circular Logic v1.1' Thumbnail of the map 'Bottled X-Factor' Thumbnail of the map 'Arco Arena' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Survey' Thumbnail of the map 'Through the Looking Glass' Thumbnail of the map 'Xerces Lite'
Circular Logic v1.1 Bottled X-Factor Arco Arena Jump Survey Through the Looking Glass Xerces Lite


Pages: (0)

Why does everyone dislike this TS so much? ;__;

I've seen several jumpers that have similar tilesets, and that's the look I was going for. I would play a map with a thumb like this one...


Tilesets okay.... but thumbnail looks .. crap but all up i like the enemy place maent and enjoyed getting the gold 4
I didnt love the placement that much, but it worked fairly well and produced some nice challenges. Although there was some empty space, I ddint really feel it added to the atmosphere, which is the key problem when using someone else's OP. 3
This one:

Fastest AGD though

But that's only because the rocket went through that gap on joe1284's demo.
Demo Data
But not fast enough :(
Demo Data


you have been out for a while. Its cool that your back ;)
Demo Data
Demo Data


Simple use of tiles, nothing new.
But the objects were poorly placed, so you did the best you could.
Demo Data
the 1000 barrier..
Demo Data


suprisingly slow..
Demo Data

Hahah that

thwump is a bastardo!
Demo Data

its not too hard

i likes the tileset
and how you start going down, i didnt see any other maps that did that in the competition
better then mine


There's no jumper-esque elements, and he never used a tileset even remotely like this.

I just picked a simpler tileset for this last entry. I'm amazed it turned out as well as it did.
another 'Xerces'-style map?
Demo Data