son, ambulance

Thumbnail of the map 'son, ambulance'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author astheoceansblue
Tags author:astheoceansblue blood cars cold in pass unrated
Created 2007-11-09
Last Modified 2007-11-09
Map Data

Description ???

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'now the shadow of the column' Thumbnail of the map 'A forest and a Cave (ext)' Thumbnail of the map 'die-jest' Thumbnail of the map 'Deleted Archive' Thumbnail of the map 'There's no return from 86' Thumbnail of the map 'Prisoners, be silent'
now the shadow of the column A forest and a Cave (ext) die-jest Deleted Archive There's no return from 86 Prisoners, be silent


Pages: (0)

but I think you're right, it's missing something important. It does feel empty and not just lack of action.

I'm going to try and do something more memorable with the drone/doors mechanic, seems a shame to waste it.


There is something I love about the drone and door thing, Yet the map itself doesn't really appeal to me... it seems like there's not enough action, a lot of the time.


no ratings, oh well

i'm faving

and 5ing
because this is awesome
Demo Data

Forgot the demo.

This was my first try.
Demo Data


Very nice.

Also, it may have been deleted...several of my Musical series as well as one of the Glitchtastic maps got deleted at some point randomly. If you have no recollection of deleting it yourself, you probably didn't.