Tolstoy Drifter

Thumbnail of the map 'Tolstoy Drifter'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil drifter playable rated tolstoy
Created 2007-08-19
Last Modified 2007-08-26
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description Orange moon sinks into seaweed
a vast cauldron of impotent gods
gather there for sacrilegious burials;
a girl in black lace stockings sits like a stone:

She is frantically drowning,
for Death is loathe to pass up
an offering on
such a warm summer night.

In a boiling canopy of graceless stars
lies the shadow of worldly suspicion.
Cold and bold and dead as she is
her bangs float black and weary upon a deserted tide;
flowers laid down to set off the cold:

I am calmly drowning,
for I am loathe to pass up
an offering on
such a warm summer night.

The kind of map I wish I made all the time, or at least half the time. Please rate and comment constructively, and I will do the same for your newest map, or a map of yours I have not played. Demos are much appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: removed chaingun.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Maggot Brain' Thumbnail of the map 'Maggot Brain (Live)' Thumbnail of the map 'Where we make the stræetlights' Thumbnail of the map 'Give up The Funk' Thumbnail of the map 'One Nation Under a Groove' Thumbnail of the map 'Groovallegiance'
Maggot Brain Maggot Brain (Live) Where we make the stræetlights Give up The Funk One Nation Under a Groove Groovallegiance


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but not as good as the other drifters. 4/5

wow. quite fun

Demo Data


Good man 4/5
Demo Data
that was perfect in its simplism.

dont exect any good demos from me for awile though, this pc lags alot.
Demo Data

damn son,

nice level. i liked the gold placement a lot. great gameplay. 4.5! :)

Messed up

Still all gold.
Demo Data

T3H F45t3st AGD

in teh wurrrldd!(this maaaap.)
Demo Data


Nice use of mines. 4/5
Demo Data
except to confuse joo hoes at the end... I'd take them out but it's already rated..

I like it.

Especially that abstract tile design, but what the hell is with that whole three bounceblock and thwump thing you've got going on on the left there?

the rocket's fine

just think a lil.
4. it was enjoyable but a little tedious, hehe


well, the tileset makes it really hard to dodge the rocket. I hate it, but if you take it out, your rating becomes a 2/5.


it brought UPyour rating


well, first, thank you (and you too turtle)

and... have you not ever seen gladiator? "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!" Maximus the gladiator? I thought about it for a second cause I saw the movie last week for the fifth time and your map was shaped like an axe and you too are a 'legend' like maximus. Thar ya go.
turtle, do you think that maybe I've become desensitized to the difficulty of a rocket in a tight space because I've developed such good skill for dodging them?
It should come with the experience you have. 4.5/5

Second, why did you call me Maximus?


i loathe the rocket

oh btw

turtle, the thing at the top is just kinda my artsy tile thingy.. but it kinda represents the spirit of death in the night sky.


you rock
AGD. I *ahem* poo-ed myself when the thwump came down at the end.
Demo Data
so watch it instead! but enough of commenting on my own map... you comment, and demo. And I'll do the same for one of your maps.
Demo Data


pretty slow AGD, but stylish at the beginning... a must-watch.
Demo Data


properly edited now, I'm working on a sweet demo.
don't rate till I put up a demo and edit it again, k? Thanks everyone... just hold on a sec!


no rating until you tell me if you gonna fix'm

2 things

1. you dont need one of those doors. >_>

2. what is that thing on the top? I cant stop staring at it.

oh, and here is my first try demo. Took me FOREVER.
Demo Data