
Thumbnail of the map 'Groovallegiance'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil playable rated tileset
Created 2007-08-19
Last Modified 2007-08-19
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description My 2nd map made from my ship tileset... Is this one better or worse? Please play, comment, and rate. AGD's would be great. Check out both maps and tell me what you think!

Here is the first one I made:

Constructively comment and rate and I will do the same for your newest map...


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ah' Thumbnail of the map 'Maggot Brain' Thumbnail of the map 'Maggot Brain (Live)' Thumbnail of the map 'Where we make the stræetlights' Thumbnail of the map 'Give up The Funk' Thumbnail of the map 'One Nation Under a Groove'
Ah Maggot Brain Maggot Brain (Live) Where we make the stræetlights Give up The Funk One Nation Under a Groove


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once again,

Arrghhh!! heh heh. i didnt like this one as much as the first. 4/5 :)


...gnarley tileset...

...4.5/5 cuz its a great AGD race map...

...fastest AGD so far...
Demo Data


that mine's the only reason this is at all tricky for seasoned players... thanks for the feedback guys, I'll get around to commenting your maps soon.
it irritates.

groovy though, i like this one more than the other one. 4/5

no AGD... :((((

i suck at playing N

* goes and cries *

I'll have an AGD soon, probably. wait for it,
I really, really do.

You lose .5 just for that.



now THIS is the AGD to beat! More comments..
Demo Data


you're being a little random.. what are you talking about and why are you talking about it on my map?


I liked it. You can play around with this one.
I like your policy but you've commented my newest. How's about this one -
Demo Data

wheres the exit.

just read the title ppl.

My funkadelic AGD

submit your own, groovy dudes!
Demo Data