Where we make the stræetlights

Thumbnail of the map 'Where we make the stræetlights'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mechtradevil
Tags author:Mechtradevil rated streetlights tileset ubiquitous
Created 2007-08-19
Last Modified 2007-08-19
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description A tileset like I used to make. It has a few objects... just because. Please use it, and comment, and rate.

Argh, if your rate, PLEASE comment, comments are so much more important... and, this looks a lot better and more usable in full view..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Designer' Thumbnail of the map 'Into the Hollow' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh it is a bird' Thumbnail of the map 'Ah' Thumbnail of the map 'Maggot Brain' Thumbnail of the map 'Maggot Brain (Live)'
I'm Designer Into the Hollow Oh it is a bird Ah Maggot Brain Maggot Brain (Live)


Pages: (0)

Very nice.

I like how it switches from open to closed on a regular basis, and how the tiles change throughout. What can I say, I like variety! 4/5! Great potential for gameplay on this one.

Very nice.

4/5 - I'm liking it's ability to be modified.


actually, I have no idea. Really.


You have no idea what I rated this!
You know.


Calamity, I'm glad you enjoyed it, but this isn't exactly stand-alone map material... It's meant for YOU or anybody to take and use in their own level, as long as you credit me as the creator of this tileset...

And, at Shikamaru, I've already email Numa Support. Hopefully they can do something about him.


i find a level fun with or without enemies. tileset was very creative and i found the gold placement convenient, maybe too convenient, but what do i know. anyways i liked it. 4.5 :) !!
but how do you get someone banned? he certainly deserves to be banned.

okay okay

enough with the blahs, blehs, and mehs! Let's see some constructive comments and levels from this thing! Chop Chop!


Curse you, alt codes.


Demo Data


Demo Data


explanation? this is an average tileset? okay...

666 demo

Demo Data