Featured Maps: 121 to 10
Featured map for 2016-01-20: 06 Foreign City by Kaylab
Sleek and modern, stark and barren. Kaylab’s aesthetics are on point. What could be more thrilling than bounding through this vacant metropolis, feeling ancient, mechanical eyes on the nape of your neck?
Explore this alien cityscape with a pinch of thievery, a dash of parkour, and a heap of panache. This is urban exploration at its finest. Fly between long-forgotten skyscrapers and laugh in exhilaration: These streets are yours, now.
— Tempus_Fugit
Featured map for 2016-01-14: GATCHAMAN by Invalid
So yer in one helluva pickle. Yer a fox, like, and yer stuck in this ruddy hole, and there’s a whole pack o’ hounds out sniffin’ for ya. There a dozen? Two dozen? Dunno, but soon as ya poke yer fuzzy little noggin outta that hole, ya reckon it’s a damn sight too many. It’s time to panic, yeah, time for them old fight-or-flight reflexes to pop, and zoooooom yer boundin’ away with them slaverin’ hounds hot on yer hiney, and ya realize, hey, ya ain’t no fox — yer a goddamn ninja, and ya ain’t never felt so alive. — Tempus_Fugit
Featured map for 2016-01-10: A Morning Stroll by ChrisE
So, this morning, I was taking a stroll, enjoying the cool morning air. And then I come to this bridge, and there's this dog, so small he'd fit into my bag.
Anyway, the moment I step on the bridge, that little f*ck rushes at me, and... well, I turned back. I'm scared of dogs, you see.
I wish I wasn't. It would've been a neat shortcut, and I swear I caught something glittering just underneath the bridge, and I remember wanting to check it out. If you're ever in the area, have a look and tell me about it, yeah?
— lifdoff
Featured map for 2016-01-06: Bellow High Tide by Evil_Bob
As the earthquake ceased, the ominous sound of rushing water echoed through the caverns. Suddenly, water sloshed over his feet from behind. Before he could think, it was up to his knees.
But in that moment, it was not fear that gripped him, only a heightened sense of things. Time seemed to slow down. The caverns themselves seemed to whisper their secrets to him. He saw clearly the crucial ledges to reach, the right jumps to make, and the slopes he could use to propel himself fast enough to escape these caverns alive. And in a flash, he was gone.
— Nexx
Featured map for 2016-01-03: Contrived by script
script has always been one of my favourite mappers, and this map exemplifies everything that I love about his mapping style – not by any means a small feat, because there is plenty to like in his maps, in my opinion.
A clean, structured tileset, an open environment that encourages exploration while still offering an intuitive flow, perfectly placed enemies and objects... what's not to like? OK, yeah, this isn't anything groundbreaking in terms of aesthetics or game mechanics, but this is so well made that I find it hard to care.
Keep up the good work, mate.
— lifdoff
Featured map for 2015-12-29: Behind the Door by spudzalot
Rockets have always been among my favourite enemies. They force you to react quickly and spontaneously and the longer you've been playing the game the better you understand how to manipulate them. That's where the fun begins. "Behind the Door" uses only a single rocket to cover almost the entire map and gives you enough space to toy with it at your leisure while the ingeniously placed one-ways provide a ton of opportunities for different routes and tricky moves. Sounds like a fun experience, doesn't it? Ready, set, go! — macrohenry
Featured map for 2015-12-28: Timekeeper by albla
The hours tick away.
In a brief moment of eternity, we are here. In all of the possible worlds, out of all the possible species, we exist as sentient human beings. We experience sensory stimulation, we experience love, we experience all of the highs and lows of emotion. And for all the silliness of it, we can create things that provide enjoyment for people around the planet before we're gone, even with things as seemingly meaningless as levels for a free indie game released over a decade ago.
The hours tick away, but we'll enjoy them while we're here.
— maxson924
Featured map for 2015-12-27: The Wishing Well by IodineEnvy
Back when I joined NUMA, I favourited just about every map I played. Then, sometime in July, I grew weary of having so many favourited maps, so I thinned the ranks. This one survived.
I did another purge in late September. A couple of maps were axed. This one survived again.
Looking at it now, the reason is clear. It's intricately constructed, aesthetically pleasing and challenging throughout, yet never frustrating and complete with some impeccable enemy placement that makes it one of 2015's standout maps.
With that, to 2016 and hopefully many maps of this quality! Don't disappoint me, folks.
— lifdoff
Featured map for 2015-12-26: I MADE A MAP by woutery
Woutery made a map! Run, jump and climb through this map’s incredibly fun challenges. Woutery has put together a perfect combination of enemies to fill the space between his blocky, craggy tiles. Utilizing tile slopes, one ways and launchpads, traversing this map is flowy, intuitive and exciting. The rocket and gauss will be hot on your tail, but if you’re quick enough you can make it out with some of that delightful gold. — script
Featured map for 2015-12-25: Saxaphony by DaggaFork
Let’s have something chill for Christmas, something cool and collected. A map as pure and simple and beautiful as fresh-fallen snow. As crisp as alpine air, as sharp as the tang of fir trees. Let’s bask under the northern stars, so rich, so tantalizing, so close we could almost reach out and pull them from the sky….
Happy holidays, folks.
— Tempus_Fugit