The Death of a friend

Thumbnail of the map 'The Death of a friend'

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Author martyr
Tags action author:martyr playable rated vent
Created 2007-08-08
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Whee!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Great Plague' Thumbnail of the map 'The Galapagos Hero' Thumbnail of the map 'The Masked SMASHMOUTH MOVIE COP-avengers' Thumbnail of the map 'The Knight of Knifepoint Bay' Thumbnail of the map 'The Festival of Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'You Spin Me Right Round'
The Great Plague The Galapagos Hero The Masked SMASHMOUTH MOVIE COP-avengers The Knight of Knifepoint Bay The Festival of Fire You Spin Me Right Round


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i had the death of a-- down and a friend came over :D


"The Death of a Friend", and you say "Whee!"


did your friend die?
if so I hope you feel better.


first try
i failed

but i think I did okay.
I did a wall jump there, too

one of your best maps
Demo Data