River in the Road

Thumbnail of the map 'River in the Road'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author reeferattack
Tags author:reeferattack playable puzzle qotsa rated
Created 2007-07-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Monsters fast approaching...
I'm not having a good day, and today should be a good day.
This is my last N map for a while.

**This is the N level I've always wanted to make, as long as people play it.**

Listen to the song and you might understand why I made this level.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Valium' Thumbnail of the map 'Spook City' Thumbnail of the map 'Running Joke' Thumbnail of the map 'Cincinnati' Thumbnail of the map 'Snazzy' Thumbnail of the map 'The Bridge of Tyrone Biggums'
Valium Spook City Running Joke Cincinnati Snazzy The Bridge of Tyrone Biggums


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it is what it is.

nice puzzle

Yeah, I tried just running and jumping for a little while before figuring out the slope. 3/5. I can see what simplicity has going for it, but I'd like to see a gauss or missile turret making the whole thing more high-stress.


when i first thought of the idea like a month ago i didn't think it was possible. then i kept trying to figure out a way to beat it. i thought either i would have to land on that slope or one-by-one (somehow) get each drone out by getting close to doors. then, finally, i beat it the exact same way you guys did. it was suppoused to be an unbeatable challenge where you would get "oh so close" to beating it everytime but never could actually do it. but, i figured it needs to be beatable or people will rate it low and not understand it. i didn't know what to expect.

don't jump to conslusions.


It's a nice concept, but not nearly big enough to be the entire basis for a map, in my opinion. Although having said that, it does work as a quick puzzle. Nice execution, anyway. 3/5


Demo Data
that this was possible.

Guess I just proved you wrong.
Demo Data
what the hell you were thinking when you made this.