Perpetual Motion

Thumbnail of the map 'Perpetual Motion'

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Author shgoaghoiag
Tags author:shgoaghoiag rated test
Created 2005-06-20
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description It doesn't stop! Or at least, I watched as long as i could stand, and N was still alive. Eventually I might add more rockets, thwumps etc and make it a Perpetual DDA.

Other maps by this author

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Contained Random V2 Spiralling


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Amusing eh,

I was rather surpised when he first did this...
So should I turn it into a fully-fledged DDA?


i love the way N continually goes straight through the rocket.

I did this-

quite a while back. But the DDAs I made were pretty rubbish - so don't vote on them please.

They were Infinity loop 1 and 2:

What you have done is quite nice though - I didn't use any teleporters...