
Thumbnail of the map 'Spiralling'

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Author shgoaghoiag
Tags author:shgoaghoiag playable race rated
Created 2005-06-20
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Quick and fun map. And yes the jump pad does kill you quite often, so you have to time your jump. It's quite hard to get all gold (for me at least). Partial credit to Maniak in case he thinks I stole it :D.

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Flow, man! I need the Flow!


interesting... a bit random.
Demo Data

it's ok

Fun, not too aesthetically pleasing, but fun.


Heck, I stole it from Sendy. Who stole it from some other person.

not bad

but meh-nothing special


As in the jump pad kills you? Yes i mentioned that, It takes a bit of skill. Or is there something else?


seriously, ouch. tried playtesting it a couple times? =/
other than that, it's a pretty fun level. i prefer Maniak's way.
Demo Data