Sine Wave

Thumbnail of the map 'Sine Wave'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gforce20
Tags author:gforce20 n-art rated
Created 2007-05-20
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Made using my simple homemade program. Resubbed and made rate-able due to popular demand.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Spring into action' Thumbnail of the map 'Ragdoll Games' Thumbnail of the map 'Door Propulsion Remix' Thumbnail of the map 'Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet?' Thumbnail of the map 'The Art of Work' Thumbnail of the map 'HOLYWTF?!'
Spring into action Ragdoll Games Door Propulsion Remix Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet? The Art of Work HOLYWTF?!


Pages: (0)

May we use it?
I don't want to submit the maps just to play around with.


Please try something more creative with this program - I'm sure you can do it. I'd love what comes out of this one!
Dropped from 4.5 at 6 votes to 4 at 7 votes. Again, my trusty calculator says that that requires a vote lower than 0.5. x(


I got 5th vote and everyone voted 5/5



now I can rate 5/5