Thumbnail of the map 'HOLYWTF?!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gforce20
Tags author:gforce20 playable survival unrated
Created 2007-05-20
Last Modified 2007-05-22
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description That thumbnail is pretty misleading, isn't it? ;)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Highway del Sol' Thumbnail of the map 'Spring into action' Thumbnail of the map 'Ragdoll Games' Thumbnail of the map 'Door Propulsion Remix' Thumbnail of the map 'Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet?' Thumbnail of the map 'The Art of Work'
Highway del Sol Spring into action Ragdoll Games Door Propulsion Remix Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet? Am I annoying yet? The Art of Work


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Don't ask why, it's just something that kinda just happened to me. Heh. The tileset was spunky though.


I was hoping I'd eliminated all those spots... Oh well. You get a ded, hopefully sometime next weekend it'll be finished.

Rate please? :D


Probably could've gone on forever. Maybe. I dunno, but yeah.
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