rally of confuse (2)

Thumbnail of the map 'rally of confuse (2)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author b3njamin
Tags author:b3njamin playable race unrated
Created 2007-05-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I added some enemies and a laughpath so there is more flow.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'blocks with holes' Thumbnail of the map 'little map' Thumbnail of the map 'little map 2' Thumbnail of the map 'dead tree 6' Thumbnail of the map 'jump to freedom' Thumbnail of the map 'rally of confuse'
blocks with holes little map little map 2 dead tree 6 jump to freedom rally of confuse


Pages: (0)

Yeah, better.


this is my 1st/ 2nd race so I'll see some top rated.
look at my 2nd/3rd race its some longer


much better.

Very fun, with only a few minor flow errors now.


If you want to improve your races, the best thing to do is study the top rated races. Or any that are rated high. The best to study are the normal, steriotypical type of race. They help A LOT when learning what makes a race good.
Demo Data


I shall work on a new longer one, but I'm not that experienced with races. so maby you have a hint?

good, AGD demo

Demo Data

very good,

dispite the fact that it's a simple race, nothing much too it, it still was fun. Make another one like this, but a lot longer 4/5