A rocket that goes through walls may be good but the thwump always makes the buzzer shot

Thumbnail of the map 'A rocket that goes through walls may be good but the thwump always makes the buzzer shot'

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Tags author:greaterglory dda hold-left rated
Created 2007-05-12
Last Modified 2007-07-04
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Second submitted DDA. The first one was so horrible I deleted it quickly. I was mainly just messing around with propulsion. I am proud to say there is no launch pads!


Note- Dead N doesn't always do the same thing so the thwump only scores about 4/5 shots.

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Downpour' Thumbnail of the map 'Free Style Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Endurance Strike' Thumbnail of the map 'A Walrus_of_Death' Thumbnail of the map 'No stopping me!' Thumbnail of the map 'Tranquil Sunset'
Downpour Free Style Race Endurance Strike A Walrus_of_Death No stopping me! Tranquil Sunset


Pages: (0)


Not very good, if I may say so. It's a good idea, but it needs work.
Also, I played it three times and the thwump hit a total of three times. I kept flying over a wall. Solve, please!


Good use of propulsion, but try making it a bit longer, and with more close calls


But like liquidSapphire-n
Id love to see N live to see a map again!

Pretty smooth.....

But why does he die instead of having an exit. I'm looking forward to more DDA's from you. 4.5/5
Demo Data

I got bored

...Just watch.
Demo Data


You can't say "Meh" thats my title thingy


he dies. add an exit, please
3.5/5 for being ok, but not great.
good use of propulsion