Dub in the Kalamegdan

Thumbnail of the map 'Dub in the Kalamegdan'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xdude_
Tags action author:xdude_ playable rated
Created 2007-03-01
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Fun & Flowy.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Easy Does'r' Thumbnail of the map 'The Toker' Thumbnail of the map 'You Got Me High' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine-d-less' Thumbnail of the map 'Strike Zone' Thumbnail of the map 'Back In'
Easy Does'r The Toker You Got Me High Mine-d-less Strike Zone Back In


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That's the problem here, they actually are a pixel off. Try Z-snapping them one pixel to the left, and your problem should be solved. One of many things I"ve learned by making DDA's. Sorry it's too late for you to change this w/o resubbing it.

Try that and my demo will work perfectly.

Demo Data

Yay SEX!!

in a can
on a stick
in my fridge
in my shack

@ Usaswim - Who cares.

Yea, thanks Krusch.

Every idea with the bounceblock has been pretty much taken.
It's still in my archives somewhere :P


Bit faster agd.

I hate how the last two doors are behaving. The first three are perfect, but... the last two make you get stuck. Argh.
Demo Data


It's nice. It really is. But this *see demo* keeps happening to me. I have no clue why it happens at those two places either and not anywhere else... :/

I didn't feel anything spectacular from this map either. It's really nice, just nothing special? I guess.
Demo Data

Fun & Flowy


crapy agd

2nd try.
cool map.
nice GP and gauss placement.
Demo Data

Hehe. Thanks Max.

Just wait kk. Jig's map is way more worthy than this. But thanks for considering.

Bitesize worthy?

Im not sure

if somebody says yes then I will otherwise not


your cool, im not

you complete me!
