Yarr tis not very good

Thumbnail of the map 'Yarr tis not very good'

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Author will224488guy
Tags author:will224488guy dda unrated
Created 2007-01-30
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description first DDA not to good i had fun making it though

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Skate Park' Thumbnail of the map 'Rollercoaster(incomplete)' Thumbnail of the map 'RoomsOfDeath' Thumbnail of the map 'up and down' Thumbnail of the map 'Pick and Choose' Thumbnail of the map 'Evil and Greed'
Skate Park Rollercoaster(incomplete) RoomsOfDeath up and down Pick and Choose Evil and Greed


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its great for a first one, my first one sucked ass tho. lol. 3.5


its far better than most peoples first DDA