Pick and Choose

Thumbnail of the map 'Pick and Choose'

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Author will224488guy
Tags author:will224488guy playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-01-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Dont cheat by looking when it loads if it doesnt load fast enough. its sorta a game though it only is fun once cause then you know where they are. the teleporters sometimes dont work and theres a funny glitch sometimes.

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are you talkin bout the ones up top cause for the teles to work i need that many and instead of the bombs what should i have put

I liked it

but the boucy block concealing mines wasn't a good idea. 3.5/5

It was too simple. I'm always curious on how you make teleporters...

And it would look nicer if you hid the lauchpads. And put less...