
Thumbnail of the map 'Uncomplicated'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Brttrx
Tags author:brttrx incomplete rated
Created 2006-11-29
Last Modified 2006-11-29
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description Negitive of DLB's Complicated.

Cred if used, it took forever.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chomp!' Thumbnail of the map 'First isn't always best.' Thumbnail of the map 'Satellite' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Air' Thumbnail of the map 'White Light' Thumbnail of the map 'When dreams need replacing.'
Chomp! First isn't always best. Satellite Cold Air White Light When dreams need replacing.



.5/5 for loading the map with a different key (Because we all know H is harder to press than J)
.5/5 for dragging a 3x3 box
.5/5 for pressing Z
-.5/5 for doing an inverse of DLB's map.



yea astimefliesby

i dont know who you are... not new, i know that... brttrx told me who he thinks you are... hes probably right... hes always right... kinda



mmm. Dunno who you are.

<3 you too.



Big Orgy Fest 2006

It's cuming.....


you have no idea who I am, do you?
I agree with Demonz. say "" so there won't be confusing. who's 2nd funniest? 3rd?
xdude don't <3 me? wtf /is/ wrong with this place?


Deja, I made love to you last night! Isn't that enough for you??!!

Or do you want more? With me, Brttrx, and Demonz!!!!

I <3 Deja to death!

Hey Caero,

ever been up in the air?


No poopstick for me.

wtf is wrong with this place

*licks lips*

It's gonna be a long night...
Let's make love.
And you get anal.
See, the difference is, I'm not afraid to speak my mind. If I think something I'm gonna say it.
window for 3 days until I worked up enough courage to call the fire department.

True story.

Oh yeah,

and next time it would be better if you actually screamed "sarcasm." That way no one gets confused.

The thing is...

The reason you were sniped is because people don't appreciate this unless they are told the joke. They do not approve!
the comment dude, I just wanted to say that for a long time.


no one here can hear the tone of your voice.

And besides, Brttrx is probably the funniest person around, therefore it can be said that he understands humor better than all of us, and he didn't get it...



You guys think /I/ can't see humor? I was basically screaming "sarcasm" in that last comment.

<3 ignorance.

hes just having a good time
If you plan on making a sarcastic joke on NUMA via maps, try to make it more obvious that you're hacking on someone or something or you just get sniped lol...


im not retarded... of course this isnt like shine... its a joke made by brttrx, who happens to be most hilarious guy ive ever met over the internet, about inverted tilesets and their unoriginality... the jokes not on me


you're really arrogant.

yeah Caero

lighten up a bit, man.

The last 2 maps are

actually jokes about negitive tilesets and how its a way to steal a hard working authors work to boost up your rating. But, we added a little sarcasm. Get over yourselfs, we're not spamming Numa, so lighten the hell up and at least TRY to have a good time here you closed-minded fucks.


cuz there's no ninja. that was supposedly the beauty of it
caero. Life is boring when it's all the same.

I take credit

for one of those 0s... lol


this isn't supposed to be another map like shine... oh well

Make that three

Seriously, what are you at?
of three 5s and two 0s... yup, the beauty of the rating system of numa...


i think brttrx went insane...

I can't believe

that both of these maps are 3s...