White Light

Thumbnail of the map 'White Light'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Brttrx
Tags author:brttrx playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-11-26
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description No Jump.

Have fun.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Prick' Thumbnail of the map 'Chrome.' Thumbnail of the map 'Chomp!' Thumbnail of the map 'First isn't always best.' Thumbnail of the map 'Satellite' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Air'
Prick Chrome. Chomp! First isn't always best. Satellite Cold Air


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

Very nice concept

I enjoyed this. 4/5

heh, yes...

I was kidding!!!

I like this map lots though. Very nice concept.


Demo Data
demo. He's just saying that for attention.



... just dont be so mean to others on hteir maps, like mine

(but its ok if you always make maps this cool)lol
Demo Data

heh, awesome map.

I can cheat though, watch demo.
Demo Data

first try...

plays almost like a race... but not really...
Demo Data