flow race map 2

Thumbnail of the map 'flow race map 2'

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Author cucumber_boy
Tags author:cucumber_boy incomplete rated
Created 2006-11-27
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description i fixed a couple things from the last map

use, just cred, you know...

It is possible to go back and fortht his time (if youa re going fast enough) I will post a good course demo shortly

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Underside' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 19' Thumbnail of the map 'Corner's Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Jumper 01' Thumbnail of the map 'Race Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'flow race map'
The Underside Simple Challenge 19 Corner's Tileset Mine Jumper 01 Race Tileset flow race map


Pages: (0)

For Charles 445...

here is a better map data to fit the theme


Much much

better than your last race tileset. Although in places the flow is still clunky.3

Just a thought, why don't you try and make a complete race. Because in most races the tileset is the really important thing and the objects and enemies just alter the difficulty, as long as you follow the flow you doing the same thing

Ok here

I'm not submitting this for real yet, just a test.
It's a KraRace
Here is the map data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|5^72,192!10^132,180!9^204,156,1,0,1,9,1,0,-1!9^516,60,0,1,22,2,0,-1,0!9^516,84,0,1,21,3,0,0,0!2^588,264,-0.707106781186547,0.707106781186547!7^534,378,3!7^528,384,3!7^522,390,3!7^516,396,3!7^534,378,2!7^528,384,2!7^522,390,2!7^516,396,2!7^498,522,3!7^504,528,3!7^510,534,3!7^492,516,0!7^498,522,0!7^504,528,0!7^510,534,0!7^498,498,1!7^504,504,1!7^510,510,1!7^534,534,2!7^528,528,2!7^522,522,2!7^516,516,2!7^516,444,2!7^522,450,2!7^528,456,2!7^534,462,2!7^540,468,2!7^516,444,1!7^522,450,1!7^528,456,1!7^534,462,1!2^156,252,0.707106781186547,-0.707106781186547!2^606,246,-0.707106781186547,0.707106781186547!7^396,576,3!7^372,576,3!7^348,576,3!7^324,576,3!7^300,576,3!7^276,576,3!7^252,576,3!7^252,576,2!11^396,516,396,516

And the KRA I recorded is in the Demo Data
Demo Data

Slightly better

demo. Then beginning needs work if you wanna go back that far
Demo Data

Nicely Done!

I'll try making something out of it.

Good Course Demo

Demo Data