Close Quarters

Thumbnail of the map 'Close Quarters'

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Author neverender
Tags author:neverender dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-03-30
by 30 people.
Map Data

Description My first good DDA. (If you think its bad, look at the first one i posted. It took a while adn i have a newfound respect for DDA makers. enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Nameless'


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Of course...

Now I see that this map is two and a half months old. So you'll probably never see what I said. Oh well.


"if its not a good comment then just dont comment."? How else would people know that their maps are crappy? How are people going to improve if we don't tell them what's wrong with their maps?
This map, honestly, looks like crap. It's like you opened the editor, filled the map with random tiles, then carved out a path afterward (which I'm pretty sure you did). As a DDA, it's completely linear. That's a bad thing for DDAs. DDAs should loop back through areas of the map after they're changed with doors/traps/etc.
Don't get discouraged by what I say (assuming you ever see this comment). All I'm saying is that everyone here is lying to you; this map is not good.


this was good i only possted 1 map and its a dda. and it sucks

thank you



not bad nate but slow oh well it was still cool


that is a really great dda. wedgie123 please dont comment on maps if you are going to be negative and place people in groups just becasue you dont approve of them. Use constructive criticism when you are posting comments and not a negative view. No one cares for a mean opinion so if its not a good comment then just dont comment. Bye the way that dda kicked ass.


i don't care what you think


i dont get the appeal, nothing special at all, nothing really happens. i also dont understand why so many noobs have commented on it?


i don't plan to be making more dda's. they take too much time but i'm glad that the overall reaction was positive. thanks

Pretty good.

Yeah, the rating makes not much sense. Neither does the obsene amount of votes...

That was

pretty darn good. i am very impressed. i don't understand the low rating either. all of my dda's have not beed so hot, so this kinda blows my mind. im not even sure the time this took. nice work.

prrrrrriiitty good

nice DDA for your first
who the hell am i to talk my dda sux
wahtever 4/5
I like it. It's slow paced and not too action-y, but it deserves a 4.

I don't get how it got such a low rating..


Well, it's damn unique, I'll give you that. I don't particularly like it as a DDA, but the more you try at it, the better you'll get, definitely.


not bad, not awesome
solid 4
(would be 3.5 if possible)

also, prety nice

i liked it, it had a nice look to it. But there was nothing speacal, so that is why i give it a generous 4.
I hope to see more DDAs by you, and next time there might be something ground breaking


slow, but ok.
you're right! DDAs are hard.