Race Squared

Thumbnail of the map 'Race Squared'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author cucumber_boy
Tags author:cucumber_boy playable race rated
Created 2006-11-13
Last Modified 2006-11-22
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Have Fun

Fastest AGD by 5pm tommorrow (November 14, 2006) will get a DED IF DESERVING

no DEDS have been awarded yet as of (November 21st 2006)

Tileset by: Fimision

Other maps by this author

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DDAtinator simplicity landmines Mine Jumper 2 Digital Maze Is this possible Algae


Pages: (0)

not flow

but it was nice
Demo Data

no flow

Demo Data
For me, this isn't a race map

I dont really

Like the level, the flow is to painfull, most probably an action. Im working on a btter demo.
Demo Data


Demo Data