Destructurated Bridge Racing Cup

Thumbnail of the map 'Destructurated Bridge Racing Cup'

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Author amconline
Tags action action-race author:amconline playable race race-action unrated
Created 2006-11-09
Last Modified 2009-05-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My best flow on a map, for now, I think.
Enjoy !

Other maps by this author

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A4bocks More trebble please Can you please step aside, I have an exit switch to catch. Thanks. Wings of Fury Not of this Earth Two shots, and exit


Pages: (0)

thanks !

cause personally I actually thought that last one was lame.
that you thought the thwump would be impossible... here is the proof against such hurtful claims. :) load the demo into the level obviously, and check it out!
Demo Data


debate opened...
Who thinks it's action, who thinks it's race ?
(who said puzzle ?!)
because it is really an action map with a single path that has the best flow... but not quite a race... but you couldn't call it action. I never would have figured out the flow pattern, but nice demo and nice level. 4.5/5.

AGD -3

enjoy, and beat it !
Demo Data