Wings of Fury

Thumbnail of the map 'Wings of Fury'

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Author amconline
Tags action author:amconline playable unrated
Created 2006-11-07
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Thanks for majikthise_110, one of his map inspired me...
The tittle is from an old game on Amiga I used to like.
Enjoy !

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Banana slip Vampire emerging Chucky A4bocks More trebble please Can you please step aside, I have an exit switch to catch. Thanks.


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I agree...

Cerberus made something great... :)
nice demo. it's not such a great level in some ways, but the gameplay is fun, if a little different. sorry if It seems I'm rating low, I jsut played the BEST level by Cerberus and now everything seems paltry in comparison... 4/5.
Demo Data


I really like the flow of this level.
Many ways to gain speed...
Demo Data