Kashmir 2: Buddha's Scarf

Thumbnail of the map 'Kashmir 2: Buddha's Scarf'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil playable rated
Created 2006-09-28
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Sequel to Kashmir, my greatest level, IMO anyway.
I can't really explain the title, but I am sure you'll like it. There is an all gold completion demo attached to "show you da way", since this is pretty difficult.
But whatever,
R . C . E ~Mech

Other maps by this author

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Jar of Flies Arcane Gothity Hero Of The Day You're Unbelieveable Minimilistica Trippin' On a Hole in a Paper Heart


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Pretty fast AGD.

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that was fun

not comp though

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Close. I don't really like the switch positioning. 3.5/5
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Demo Data

AG COMP demo

here tis. enjoy the level and please rate. that's what R . C . E . is by the way. (Rate.Comment.Enjoy.) but that shoulda been obvious. :D
Demo Data