
Thumbnail of the map 'Delay.........Tactics'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DemonzLunchBreak
Tags author:demonzlunchbreak playable rated survival
Created 2006-09-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Ok, so I've never made a survival, and so really I won't be completely taken aback if you guys don't like this.

And all the credit really goes to krusch for inspiring this map with his survival. I forget the name, but whatever.

Longest demo within 24 hours wins a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Incriminating Evidence' Thumbnail of the map 'Cerebral Sparagnosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Randomizer' Thumbnail of the map 'It was like the WWE, except real' Thumbnail of the map 'Chocolate Covered Derivation' Thumbnail of the map 'The insanity factory'
Incriminating Evidence Cerebral Sparagnosis Randomizer It was like the WWE, except real Chocolate Covered Derivation The insanity factory


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It's the best I can get. By the way, good survival. Addicting. 4
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screw it

it's 11:38. i'm going to bed. i have school tomorrow. lol...
Demo Data

old map, but just recently bitesized... wierd

Not as long as McP,

But I kept a drone in the mix most of time.
Demo Data

as it stands,

mcp is pwnzorsing us all. He'll probably get the ded.


and mcp shows everyone up :P nice survival... although a bit plain, very fun


dear, whats this?
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Demo Data


it's not even that good...
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ha ha
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Get's kind of stale after a while, 3/5.
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Starting off..

Demo Data