Chocolate Covered Derivation

Thumbnail of the map 'Chocolate Covered Derivation'

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Author DemonzLunchBreak
Tags action author:demonzlunchbreak playable rated
Created 2006-09-25
Last Modified 2006-09-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description With whipped cream and sprinkles.

Any AGD wins a ded (not that deds mean anything anymore)
Important: get the gold on the exit before you complete the map, elsewise you will be disqualified.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The End of the World as He Knows It' Thumbnail of the map 'Noob Sandwich' Thumbnail of the map 'Incriminating Evidence' Thumbnail of the map 'Cerebral Sparagnosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Randomizer' Thumbnail of the map 'It was like the WWE, except real'
The End of the World as He Knows It Noob Sandwich Incriminating Evidence Cerebral Sparagnosis Randomizer It was like the WWE, except real


Pages: (0)

heres half the gold
Demo Data
You just have to KRA that part.

Very nice

As far as Ive gotten so far:
Demo Data