
Thumbnail of the map 'kakutouka'

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Author scythe33
Tags author:scythe33 bitesized dda rated
Created 2006-08-06
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description kradda-sorry, i know there have been a few lately.
I tried to send the rocket through lots of walls, and I got it up to 22 least.
No launchpads or gold-delay (except bounceblock and door propulsion), works in userlevels. Enjoy!

Other maps by this author

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aeronautics rocketry fragment khatmandu Syd touch me


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i dunno

i feel that tattletale, rocket -ed and rocket rage kinda started the kradda trend and all these new kraddas are kinda like the jump on the bandwagon types... 2.5/5
The tileset doesn't look so great though. Still 5aved.


Now that I've got an account.


im working on one that is a no gold-delay, no launchpad, thwump powered KRADDA totalling over 3500 frames. and reuses thwumps. hopefully it'll be done sometime this century though... nice map, good close calls 4/5

you need

exactly 6 gold


do i get the gold to move me in the normal doors?, i still havent figured that out yet


I LOVE IT when the rocket goes through walls

More close calls?!

Oh come on, i need a break sometimes... but i think i put more than evil, evil critics.

I would

have liked it more if it was longer, but still an impressive DDA


What he said.

thats pretty sweet

i like it, 4/5, woulda been cooler with more close calls